Once you give us a staffing assignment, we begin by recruiting candidates in your region that meet your specifications. We take the timely search functions off your hands.
We handle the ongoing process of reviewing candidates, all of whom are certified and registered in their skills, so you can remain focused on lab operations.
After a group of recruits is narrowed down to the best qualified candidates for your position, we provide you with the short-list resumes for your review.
We then hire and place the contracted employee in your VA facility, where they will report for VA defined requirements.
Contracted employees adhere to all VA site requirements and patient confidentiality requirements.
JASystems pays all contractors’ salaries and provides employee benefits.
We provide ongoing training to keep practitioners and technicians current on new technologies, techniques, certifications and registrations.
We manage and deal with all disciplinary issues & problems, and, since staff is employed by JASystems, the termination and replacement of an employee is a simple and quick procedure.
As recipients of the VA’s prestigious Hammer and Scissors Awards, our employees have an established track record of improving quality of care and reducing costs
For more information about out Outsourced Staffing Services
call 856-228-2175

Johnson Associates Systems is proud to provide the highest quality orthotics and prosthetics. As leaders in our field, we are dedicated to providing each and every patient with the best device that will fit naturally into their normal lifestyle, allowing them to go on with their daily life, just as they did prior to their injury or surgery.
The Johnson Associates Systems Practitioners are allied health professionals who provide comprehensive orthotic and prosthetic care, including patient assessment, formulation of a treatment plan, implementation of the treatment plan, follow-up, and practice management.
JASystems Orthotists evaluate and design orthoses (braces), and fit those needing protective support or correction due to muscle /bone impairment, disease or deformity. They work to restore mobility to the patient and to prevent or limit disability.
JASystems Prosthetists evaluate, design, and fabricate prostheses (artificial limbs). They work with those who have amputations due to accidents, congenital birth problems, or disabling diseases, restoring physiological function and/or cosmesis.
Assisting Professionals include those that fabricate, repair and maintain orthoses/prostheses as well as those who assist in fitting and in patient care.
Johnson Associates Systems patient-centered care focuses on the patient and the individual’s particular health care needs. The goal of our patient-centered health care is to empower patients to become active participants in their care. This also requires that all of the patient's health care providers develop good communications to address the patient needs effectively.
900 Route 168, Suite F4
Turnersvile, New Jersey 08012